This page provides samples of press releases, earned media, awards, and crisis management. All include samples and/or detailed explanations.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers."
Daniel Boorstin
I have worked hard to place my companies/clients in appropriate media channels. I have had clients placed in Forbes, Associated Press, Time Magazine, BBC, ESPN, CNN, Seattle Times, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Conan, Business Insider, Yahoo, etc. The difficult pitches are what I'm most proud of.

Below are sample press releases that were picked up by multiple publications/media channels.
Below are a few examples of situations requiring my crisis management skills. One of my best traits is to stay calm during these times. I look at crisis management as a challenge to show off what I'm capable of.
COVID -19 caused a long term shutdown in Washington State before most locations nationwide. I worked closely with my GM to prepare ahead of media to have a clear concise message to control how we were presented to the public. Our venue management company used many of our practices and our message as a template when other states started to close.
An actor client of mine was exposed for a past video. He is a resident of a country that does not allow this behavior he was banned from returning to his home. We had to work on a campaign to resolve his reputation which ended with an apology video and many press statements. He can now return to his country and his reputation has been restored.
Actor Reputation

I was involved in the crisis management plan for a stock market crash for the large corporate I worked for. The plan included interviews with our CEO discussing past large gains. He gave multiple national interviews and by the next quarter our stocks increased and we used the opportunity for more interviews with a positive spin.
Stock Market Crash
Over the years I have earned my employers and clients many awards as well as winning many awards myself. Below is a sample of my accomplishments.